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Posted By: Mom2Cayden New Here, searching for advice - 11/15/10 10:50 PM
Hi everyone,
I am very very new to all of this. Per my request, my DS was tested for the gifted program, and today we had a meeting where we were told that he got accepted into the gifted program. We go back in on December 6th to write up his IEP, and I was looking for some advice on this next step. What are some things that will be brought up on the IEP? How do I help my son? What ideas should I bring to the meeting? And advice at all would be helpful. My son is 7 years old. His school only goes up to the second grade, and as of right now he will be the only one in his school in the gifted program.
Posted By: Grinity Re: New Here, searching for advice - 11/22/10 02:30 PM
Hi Mom2Cayden,
Wow! Your son is the only one in the Gifted program - does that seem strange to you? It makes my eyebrows raise a bit!

Each gifted kid has their own personality and their own set of challenges, and that determins what should be on their IEP. There was probably something that prompted you to request a test for the gifted program. What was that? There were probably things you observed both in your child and in friends are relatives that alerted you to the fact that gifted kids need a particular kind of support.

What kind of help to you feel that your son needs?

Does your school or district have a gifted co-ordinator?
If there is a district website, they might have a page or 2 that discribes their gifted program. If so - read up on it.

Do you have other children?

Now is a good time to start asking family members about their experiences and attitudes about school, subject accelerations, skips and see what the history is, so you know what your family (and your son's father and his family) vibe is like. This is tender places, so tread lightly, but it's so worth it to get the conversation started.

Similarly, the first school meeting might be all about meeting folks and hearing what they have to say and building a respectful working relationship. I love the book 'Getting to Yes' - that's a good one to read if you haven't already.

Best Wishes,
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