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Posted By: crisc Little woo-hoo! - 09/04/10 02:19 AM
DS7 came home today from his second day of 3rd grade. He had a completed math worksheet in his backpack. It was double digit addition without carrying. His paper had random numbers at the end of each number making it triple digit addition with carrying (since the numbers were random). He told me that the teacher told him that he might like the assignment better this way. He was happy with it. The assignment still was not hard but better than it would have been for him. Plus he has been telling me that his summer vacation made him brain a little "rusty" grin

Next week DS7 is supposed to start going to 4th grade for math but he is very apprehensive and wants his 3rd grade teacher to give him the 4th grade math in the 3rd grade class. This looks promising as a back-up plan.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Little woo-hoo! - 09/04/10 12:11 PM
Yippee! Go SonofCrisc!
I do hope DS7 gives going to the 4th grade a try, but I love that he has an out. My DH remember going up, for reading and math every year from 1st grade through 5th. He was always afraid of the big kids but never told anyone.

1)find out if there is another 3rd grader who can also benifit from going up to 4th for math, a buddy.
2) see if you can arrange a playdate with a kid from the receiving class -who happens to sit near where he'll be sitting - so that he'll have a familiar face. If the kids are too old for you to be making playdates for them, then arrange with the Mom to both 'just happen' to be running the same boring errand at the same time so the kids can bump into each other naturally. Believe me, talking to a 3rd grader is much better than watching mom pick out new bathroom towels, and picking out bathroom towels might take 20 minutes if you have a mind too. ((wink))
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