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Posted By: Jenafur SPD - 07/31/10 04:52 PM
okay, after hearing others talking about SPD and looking it up, i believe my son has it.
I think all his problems come from it, his hating to write and handwriting issues, the ridiculous way over reacts when he gets even the most minor prick or cut. His overreaction to smells ....and how i can't sneak and kind of food he can smell it across the house. His sensitivity to food..he has a hard time with anything flavorful,prefers bland and plain.
Anyway what can be done to help and do doctors even diagnose and help with it?
Posted By: passthepotatoes Re: SPD - 07/31/10 08:45 PM
This is a very helpful website and book and I'd suggest it as a good place to start.
Posted By: Chrys Re: SPD - 07/31/10 10:58 PM
You may want to find out if your insurance covers SPD or Occupational Therapy for any reason. Our experience is that SPD is flagged by an OT evaluation - not the ped or neuropsych. There can be a long wait to receive services from a private OT facility and it is very expensive. Schools often have OT, but they do not tend to deal with sensory issues.

My daughter has been going to OT for a few months now. We waited a full year to be able to get her an appointment time after school. My husband and I aren't sure if she really has SPD or not, or if the therapy has any scientific basis, but she really likes going. My dd's issues are more vestibular/balance/sound related. 2 months ago she could not throw are catch a big ball (she is 8) and now she can play easy throw and catch games with us without dropping the ball. So even if I think its voodoo science, I see it working.

Good luck! It sounds like eventually getting your dc's diet more varied is a good goal!
Posted By: Ace Re: SPD - 08/03/10 12:25 AM
SPD can definately be helped by a qualified OT (disclaimer- I am an OT!). I have seen OTs do amazing things with kids with SPD. As was insinuated in a previous post, there are some in the medical community that don't believe SPD exists. But trust me, it does. There are also that believe giftedness is not an issue! SPD is also very prevalent in the gifted population. When my daughter started at her private school for gifted kids, I could not believe the SPD behaviors I saw on the playground the first day I picked her up from school- so much more than at a typical school! There are more OTs in some areas that practice in SPD than others so you may not have the wait time that others have indicated.
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