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Posted By: lulu odd one out - 07/06/10 06:36 PM
Any thoughts on 'odd one out' pictorial puzzles? I thought these would be a fun summer activity, but DS7, tested as HG, finds them really tricky. He tends to look for something way more complicated than the question intends.
Posted By: Iucounu Re: odd one out - 07/06/10 06:49 PM
They can't hurt; if he's having trouble doing them, he may learn something useful. But if they're causing him a lot of stress, and he just can't get the hang of them right now, I'd wait and re-present them later.

Do you have a link you can share? I'm curious to see an example.
Posted By: Nautigal Re: odd one out - 07/10/10 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by lulu
DS7, tested as HG, finds them really tricky. He tends to look for something way more complicated than the question intends.

I don't know about those particular puzzles, as he hasn't really tried them, but my DS7 tends to look for something way more complicated than the question intends for a lot of things! This has been his most serious problem with math in general; although he is 3-4 grades advanced in math, he misses things entirely on the simple questions because he is out there answering things in the ozone layer. I guess it goes with the territory! smile
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