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Posted By: Wren Parenting, Persective, et al - 03/22/10 11:40 AM
I know much of this has been posted, commented etc. But sometimes we just need to post to feel support in the community here.

I have posted that last year we didn't have such cooperation on the gifted schools application process. This year we are getting cooperation, though limited spots, we are waiting to hear.

Anyway, you get used to your own kid and sometimes lose perspective on how gifted they really are. Yesterday, DD5 had a piano recital. We live near Lincoln Center and the recital hall is in the area so we walked in the morning for the preview, to play her pieces and see the order. Also, take advantage of a beautiful Sunday morning. Although I practice with her everyday, I sat in the audience while she went up to play her pieces for the preview. I saw this amazing kid, her hands flying over the keys. There was another piano teacher in the audience who came up to me after, asking her age, commenting on her talent. This is the top music school in NYC, there are a lot of talented kids. Another approached me later, asked who her teacher was, told me that she was remarkably talented.

It makes me sit back and think how she does math in her head, pick up information like she is writing an encyclopedia, and just reason like a kid ten years older and reminds me that is not average, or slightly above average. I feel very lucky to have such an amazing daughter. I wanted to share that in a place that was safe to share that.

Posted By: GeoMamma Re: Parenting, Persective, et al - 03/23/10 01:28 AM
smile Lovely!
Posted By: Kate Re: Parenting, Persective, et al - 03/23/10 11:18 AM
Ren, Beautiful image! I'm so happy for you. smile Nan
Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: Parenting, Persective, et al - 03/23/10 01:06 PM
Thanks for sharing Ren... it really is wonderful to see posts such as this. Just reminds us that it is fine to step back and reexamine... you just might find yourself in shock and awe.

BTW, you definitely should be proud of her. She sounds beautiful.
Posted By: newmom21C Re: Parenting, Persective, et al - 03/23/10 01:50 PM
I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing! smile
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