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Posted By: zarfkitty experiencing denial/questioning - 03/04/10 11:31 PM
I am frustrated, angry, and completely unsure today.

I posted a rant about online grades a week ago. That situation is coming to a resolution although DD's grade is more a reflection of the situation than her mastery of the subject.

I just found out that DD was passed up for a math acceleration program at school (she's in a math enrichment pullout which she loves but won't produce any acceleration). The GT teacher gently explained to me that DD was passed up because there were limited seats and they needed trustworthy independent workers. End of discussion. (DD would probably be totally different kid with challenging work, right?) So the high achievers are missing regular math daily for accelerated instruction and DD is getting some enrichment here and there. Right now they are learning enrichment games to teach to the other children. DD loves it and there is value in it, but it's not challenging her. I'm not willing to fight over it with the school; I'm just too conflict averse.

Maybe I'm wrong about DD's giftedness. Or maybe she is 2e. Or maybe she is just a really great, unique kid who thinks outside the box but is never going to live up to the expectations of public school.

I am in tears as I think about solutions like quitting my job to homeschool her - I love my job and my own students are very special and fulfilling to me. Private schools don't necessarily seem like the solution either... paying tuition for a more stringent homework load with kids she doesn't know.

Today, at this moment in time, quantifying her academic progress has a lot more to do with her behavior and long term planning skills than her actual mastery of any given subject. I almost think the GT label is making her teachers more strict on her...

My heart is full of fear and dread when I think of middle school starting in August.

Posted By: melmichigan Re: experiencing denial/questioning - 03/05/10 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by zarfkitty
Right now they are learning enrichment games to teach to the other children.

I know you aren't the only one dealing with something like this but how is teaching the other kids enrichment? I can't stand it when schools do that. I would have a very hard time with that. No advice right now, that has me to steamed to think straight.
Posted By: twomoose Re: experiencing denial/questioning - 03/05/10 12:33 PM
I'm sorry that you're going through this. Is the problem with your DD's schoolwork an issue with not being organized? I read your rant about online grades and thought, maybe she needs a visual reminding system, like a chart or notebook she could check off every day to make sure she's finished and turned in each assignment. She sounds a lot like me, and my DD, at that age. My DD just needed some maturity and a system for organzing. You may need to supervise to some degree.

All of this does NOT mean she's not GT. Don't doubt yourself or your DD.
Posted By: Floridama Re: experiencing denial/questioning - 03/05/10 01:45 PM
[The GT teacher gently explained to me that DD was passed up because there were limited seats and they needed trustworthy independent workers.

Assuming that the seats are already filled and there is no chance of switching over this late in the year.
My suggestions on going foward.
Ask for a specific list of what they think she needs work on, to improve in the areas they consider lacking. I would not accept a gentle generalized answers, ask for specifics. Form a game plan with the teacher to foster improvement in those areas.

If your DD is struggling with organization/motivation it is a good idea to start working on it now. Middle school and high school can be highly competetive.
Have you tried doing any accelerated work with her at home? Some kids need to be challenged/interested before they bloom. If the school is not doing it, you should try it at home and see what changes you see in her.

And most importantly! Don't let the fact that your DD did not make the top cut put in to doubt mode. This is only one year out of many. She will have more opportunities to prove herself.
It does not mean that your DD is not gifted or that she does not deserve/need a challenging curriculum!

I believe that there are 2 types of smart people
#1 is the type who sees a problem and quickly comes up with an accurate solution. "We need to cross the river, lets build a bridge."
and then is #2
"We need to cross the river, lets draw up ideas, test different materials, and then build a bridge."

#1 may prove to be more successful because he invented the bridge first.
But #2s bridge is still being used 100 years after the first bridge rotted away.
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