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Posted By: bianc850a Frustraded with math education - 12/08/07 03:21 AM
I am having a hard time with my daughter's math teacher. Math curriculum not challenging at all even though she is moved up for math. We had a conferance to discuss my issues and I mentioned to the teacher that my daughter had already completed 3rd grade math with John Hopkins during summer. Her response "Does she ever play?" I got another teacher in the upper grades (actually the head of the math department for middle school) to mentor my child and provide her with some fun, challenging work (which by the way she loves to do). Now her teacher is upset because my daughter is getting an unfair advantage over the other kids by getting this extra work!!

Sorry, just had to vent!! How sad is this?
Posted By: Mia Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/08/07 04:56 AM
"Now her teacher is upset because my daughter is getting an unfair advantage over the other kids by getting this extra work!!"

Are you kidding? The other kids probably aren't *capable* of doing the extra work!

I like the physical development metaphor. We don't tell 9-month-old walkers to sit and wait until the other babies are walking, too. That would be ridiculous. Same goes for learning (or it should)-- why on earth should your dd have to wait until the other kids have caught up? That's wasted time, and to be honest, they may not *ever* catch up.

Sorry you're going through this; it *is* sad.

Posted By: bianc850a Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/08/07 05:14 AM

Thank you Mia. I have decided that I can live with my daughter's teacher being upset. For as long as the other teacher is willing to mentor my daughter, I will accept his help.

Posted By: Kriston Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/08/07 05:40 AM
Yeah! What Mia said!
Posted By: Ania Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/09/07 10:37 PM
My, I should PM you "our" math story.
Check out and sign her up if it is in your area. If no, just print old tests for her grade level and enjoy!
Posted By: Grinity Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/10/07 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by bianc850a
I am having a hard time with my daughter's math teacher. Math curriculum not challenging at all even though she is moved up for math. We had a conferance to discuss my issues and I mentioned to the teacher that my daughter had already completed 3rd grade math with John Hopkins during summer. Her response "Does she ever play?" I got another teacher in the upper grades (actually the head of the math department for middle school) to mentor my child and provide her with some fun, challenging work (which by the way she loves to do). Now her teacher is upset because my daughter is getting an unfair advantage over the other kids by getting this extra work!!

Sorry, just had to vent!! How sad is this?

This breaks my heart!
I'm so sorry she was rude to you. It was so uncalled for.
Posted By: cym Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/10/07 02:27 AM
I just hate hearing this kind of story. It makes my heart sink. At least you're not alone here! As long as you're strong and continue to advocate for your child (with teachers, admin, any one else who makes snide remarks) and try to find the right opportunities for your child, try not to worry about others' opinions--maybe you'll end up changing them. Online courses, tutors/mentors,'re doing the right stuff. Then when he can test or place out of high school credits, or win competitions, no one will give you grief.
Posted By: bianc850a Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/10/07 04:15 AM
Hi Ania,

Please do tell us your math story!!!

Thank you all for your support.
Posted By: bianc850a Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/11/07 01:50 AM
My daughter is gettin an IEP!!

I had a meeting with my daughter's math teacher today. It appears that the head of school, the head of the math department and herself had met and decided that my DD did indeed needs a specialized plan to meet her needs in math!!!

Posted By: Grinity Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/11/07 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by bianc850a
My daughter is gettin an IEP!!

I had a meeting with my daughter's math teacher today. It appears that the head of school, the head of the math department and herself had met and decided that my DD did indeed needs a specialized plan to meet her needs in math!!!
Oh Bianc-a!
this is very good news. I'm so glad you said something. (((big grin)))
Posted By: Ania Re: Frustraded with math education - 12/11/07 07:38 PM
Hi Ania,

Please do tell us your math story!!!

When my christmas cleaning is done and all the overseas cards are mailed I will write an essay.
Or maybe I will just copy and paste grin
Posted By: bianc850a Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 12:05 AM

I received a call from my daughter's math teacher today. My daughter will be receiving an additional math skip starting tomorrow and will start 4th grade math tomorrow. smile The teacher she is getting is wonderful.

My daughter was thrilled when I told her at pick up.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 12:08 AM
congratulation! Yippee! Best Wishes Bianc850a and family! I love it when the kids are happy.
Posted By: kimck Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 12:11 AM
That is so amazing! Congratulations!
Posted By: questions Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 02:20 AM
That is great news. So glad to hear your DD is so well taken care of. And good luck with your news next week. Your daughter sounds incredible.
Posted By: bianc850a Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 02:57 AM
Thank you everyone for celebrating with me. We have been very fortunate. I am keeping my fingers crossed about YSP.

Posted By: crisc Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 03:08 AM
Great news on the Math acceleration. I am very happy for your daughter. Hopefully the news from the YSP will be just as good.
Posted By: Ania Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 05:41 PM
Hi Ania,

Please do tell us your math story!!!

Since I wanted my son to read in my mother's tongue before he starts official schooling, I was doing "workbooks" wih him when he was a toddler. These workbooks would contain math concepts as well, so yes, he was "coached" in math before starting school - he knew his numbers in two langugaes :-)
Started school as a 4 year old preschooler. Was doing great, no problems at all. Absolutely no additional work at home, apart from computer games, that were "educational".
Fast forward to the beginning of 2nd grade, he takes his first SAT test (achievement, same as Iowa). He scores 99% in everything but listening. He is my first child, I am not used to American school system, that is very different from Canadian.Going to a parent teacher conference hoping that a teacher will shed some light on my ignorance. "Oh, he is going to do great things in life". The test does compare my son to a national average, but the comparison to his classmates is missing. Since he is attending a private, expensive school, I reason that they are probably just very good and have quite a few kids with results like that. I do nothing. He continues to play "educational" computer games. School is a breeze.
Third grade SAT yielded exactly the same results. Teacher was stupid. Plainly stupid. I did not even go into "what does this mean" discussion. Instead I was trying to find out the scores of some kids that I thought were smart. But it was an impossible to obtain info. The school was very protective of it, maybe for a good reason. We still do not accelerate at home. If he does anything, it is a strictly "on level" workbook.
And here comes fourth grade with the sweet, old teacher. SAT results are same, but this time the teacher tels me in this very low voice that he is so, so , so smart and that she has absolutely no resources to do anything extra with him as most kids struggle in math and those are the kids she has to concentrate on. She tried to use my son to teach the class a little and to solve some of the challenge problems in the textbook that she herself was havig problems with. At this point I started looking into other options.
Since I was already interested in a new public charter that was offering a Spanish language, I called one evening, about 7 P.M. , to leave a message with my phone number. Someone however answered the phone. Turned out it was the Prinicipal. Turned out she used to teach at the private my son was attendig. I met with her the folowing day. She told me that at her school both Math and LA were done in block time, and the kids were attending their readiness level for both, not the grade level. I had my husband meet with her and we applied. There was a lottery involved. Ghost got in. He had to take placement test. In math he scored "an average 12 grade student six months after finishing HS". Since he has not taken any algebra yet, the computer suggested he does that. The school held a meeting to discuss my S case and he entered 5th grade as a full time Algebra student. He skipped into Algebra straight from 4th grade, without any preperation, which was very, very stupid on our part. We should have spent some time over the summer to cover at least fractions! The first few months of that Algebra class was a huge challenge. He has never worked with negatives before, never did anything major with fraction. Took him forever to complete math homework because Algebra homework can be quite complex. He was still the best student in that class, with kids two years older than him.
Now I started looking. Suddenly all the characterisitcs of gifted child fit so nicely around my DS. I signed him up for an academic talent search, he got the best scores in the state (granted, not that many kids participate in those). The summer after 5th grade he spend time at the University of Denver Summer Program. 6th grade Geometry- no problem. Mid year I found out about a Math Circle in a nearby city and presented Ghost case to the prof. He said to let him try it. He has been attending ever since and he loves it. It is very, very challenging, he only grasps about 50% of problems, but he still loves it. It gives him a kick to be the youngest among juniors and seniors :-)
This year as a seventh grader he is in Algebra 2/Trignometry class. For the first time ever (!) he complained the the class pace was too slow for him and he is doing it at his own pace now, still taking all the tests with the class.My husband checks on his progress weekly. Next year he wil be doing Pre-calc.
Participated in the talent search again after 6th grade, this time writing SAT. Again highest math score in the state. In the meantime won another state contest for 6th graders.
He does a lot of math now. He is a part of two math circles, the one I mentioned earlier, the second I was lucky to form in our own city. Participates in school math club that my DH coaches.
Participates in Math Olympiad, Amc 8, Math Kangaroo, AMC 10. Will write state math contest for the first time this year. Takes a class at the Art of Problemsolving. We have decided that he will be taking the class from them continuosly. Their approach to matematics is so different, so wonderful for talented problem solvers.
I was lucky that upon searching I found wonderful people online that were so generous abouth sharing their own stories with me. It has helped me a lot, both in terms of advocating as well as understanding what the kids like my son are capable of. You do not know until you challenge them !
If I can be a help to anyone, please PM me. I would like to give back what I was given.
Posted By: Ania Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 05:55 PM
Here is a great FAQ post by Mr.Bunday (taken from Art of Problemsolving forum)
Posted By: incogneato Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 06:19 PM
just what the doctor ordered, Ania, thanks. My dd has talent and interest in math, but I'm clearly incompetent in that subject. Thanks for posting that link. It's very helpful.

Posted By: LMom Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 06:45 PM
Ania, thank you so much for the link. This is exactly what I need right now. If you have any additional suggestions for 5 yr old in K please post them. He is K on paper only, they give him higher grades material in school.

Posted By: Ania Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 07:10 PM
I really like, which is mentioned in the FAQ by Mr. Bunday. It is $20 per month if you do it privately, but if your school/teacher orders it, it is only $35 or so per year !
You can log on for a 48 hour free preview trial.
Aleks is a regular tutorial site.
See if your son could do it for like 10/15 min each day at school.

Also, check out
Their spring session starts this Sunday. It covers not only math, but grade level math is free.
Those are only excercises with immediate feedback.
He could also do them at school.

Again, Singapore Math Series, especially challenge problems books. Forget about any other workbooks. If you buy any, buy those.

Good luck LMom :-). Please remember, that the most important part of a good math education is the understanding of "why". Do not rush forward, go deep and wide :-)(but truthfully, if you know how to add, you know how to add and then you have to go forward ) grin
Posted By: incogneato Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 07:19 PM
Can a home school teacher get aleks for $35 per year?
Posted By: Ania Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 09:05 PM
??? Call and ask :-)
Posted By: LMom Re: Frustraded with math education - 01/11/08 09:09 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I love Singapore workbooks they are really well done. I use them mostly as a reference just to know in which order they introduce things. Dh and I are both into math and we sometimes get into interesting problems and forget that DS better learn the basics first. Lately DS has been doing exercises from the workbooks because that's what his heart desires right now. May be I should leave only the challenge workbook (I have only one) lying around.

We do beestar GT together. It's a nice way to come across different problems and concepts. Time to sign him up for the next session if he still wants to do it.

I checked Alex long time ago and at that time it was too early, but it would be probably a good fit now.
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