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Posted By: vicam low grades and removel from gifted program - 12/09/09 03:15 PM
I am about to burst.
Received an email from the gifted instructor who works with CJ* one day a week(best part of school in his opinion). If his low grades do not improve he will be removed from the program. He is the classic underachiever. He doesn't do 3 grade material b/c he says he knows it already. If you ask him what he learned today he says nothing new I already knew it.
I made the mistake of sending an email while angry and had to follow up with an apology.

It's just I have appointments made with medical professionals to find out if its 2e and if so what do we do. I just need to share my frustrations with someone. So there you are.
Would they pull kids at the other end of the spectrum out of special ed because of slipping grades? Gifted services are a need not a privilege!
Would they try to give him above grade level work to see if he does that? I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel any better we're mostly in the same boat and I have an appointment scheduled for my son with a doctor next week. If you want to talk just PM me.
Posted By: vicam Re: low grades and removel from gifted program - 12/09/09 03:40 PM
They insist he do regular 3rd grade work for them at school before any acceleration. He did not complete an in class country project so he has a D in soc. Stu, reading and english. They acknowledge that he does not like to write but don't encourage keyboarding, I offered to get him a netbook to use. We are definately in an advisarial position right now.

How do I pm?
Click on my name and then click to send a PM.
Keep venting here. It's good for you. I figure even if nobody responds sometimes it helps to get it out.

I can empathize. My son feels the same way about school. DH doesn't get it and thinks I'm making a mountain out of a molehill...

I recently just sent a email I regreted with a follow up sorry note for over reacting. I told them, "I keep feeling like I have just not explained the situation well enough.(I was thinking because they are caring teachers) I wonder if they would value a source from a gifted expert that relates directly to my son?" Well honestly, I did not mean this as nasty but should not of sent this. I felt a terrible becuase I just should of dealt with the one situation we were talking about instead this. Oh well. I'm still trying to save my son.

I hope this helps in some way. best of luck.
Posted By: vicam Re: low grades and removel from gifted program - 12/09/09 03:49 PM
I am just going to take a deep breathe and go to the appointment and hope to get some answer. i know it is a process and a journey I just wish I knew where we are going.
me too. I just hope there is somewhere to go.
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