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Posted By: Jenafur Gifted Nephew - 09/24/07 04:00 AM
I have a nephew that I believe to be gifted( I believe the giftedness in my son runs in my husbands family). I feel bad for him because I know his school and school work are so so easy for him, and he isn't challenged. He is eight years old and has read all the Harry Potter books over the summer. His last school in Arizona had a program where the kids all were tested and given work at their individual level. He received a student of the year award there and was recognized for being 2 grade levels above his actual grade level in the work he was doing. Anyhow my husbands sister and her husband(my nephew's parents) were telling me how he just rushes through everything, how his hand writing is so bad all the sudden and that he is so unchallenged. Anyway I don't know how to approach them about him being gifted or if it would make a difference if i did. I don't have a lot of advice for them. I really know nothing about advocating for their gifted child, or if they're interested in talking to the school about him getting more challenging work. I guess my question is, how and should I approach them, and If i did, any advice on what I should say? or do? How could I be helpful to them and their son?
Posted By: cym Re: Gifted Nephew - 09/24/07 05:31 PM
Hi Jenafur,

I would be direct and say he's so bright and advanced, they should either have him tested or find out how the school district would get him tested. Say that he is probably eligible for special services that would better address his needs (challenge him). In my school district, gifted kids go see plays, participate in Quiz Bowl/Chess Tournament, and several other special things. While I don't agree philosophically with only having these "percs" for gifted kids, I'm glad my gifted kids get to partake in them. Also say diagnostics teach parents so much about a kid's strengths and weaknesses--so interesting. I would think all parents would love to hear how bright others think their kids are. I've only met one couple who had a sour opinion of "giftedness" and they changed their tune a bit when their son qualified.
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