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Posted By: Aussie Mum Advice on WISC scores - 09/04/09 01:14 AM
Hi there,

My DS 16 had testing done this time last year and I am still having trouble with our PS implementing any strategies to assist him in his learning/assessment of subjects. He is now disengaged and hates going to school every day. His scores are:
VCI 138
PRI 119
WMI 99
PSI 100
Has anyone any advice on how to engage a child like this? He says he is bored at school but he has been put into the middle stream classes due to his poor performance in test and written assignments. He plays around in class and is often in trouble and is very disorganised.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Posted By: Aussie Mum Re: Advice on WISC scores - 09/04/09 01:24 AM
Woops - DS is actually 15
Posted By: Artana Re: Advice on WISC scores - 09/04/09 11:51 AM
The more than standard deviation difference between the verbal score and the rest of the score could indicate something. I am not a licensed psychologist by any means, but you see more than two SDs between WM and VCI, that should have been caught as significant by whoever was administering the test. It could point to lots of things: LD, ADD, possible vision issues, etc. I would take those scores to someone who can decipher them better. If you have subtest scores, take those as well.
Posted By: Aussie Mum Re: Advice on WISC scores - 09/06/09 01:59 PM
Thank you Artana. Will do
Posted By: Cathy A Re: Advice on WISC scores - 09/06/09 03:29 PM
I agree with Artana...

Your son's profile is very similar to my daughter's. She has a lot of trouble with written expression, and has been diagnosed with a visual/motor integration problem. She is also very disorganized, by the way!

Good luck!
Posted By: Aussie Mum Re: Advice on WISC scores - 09/10/09 12:52 AM
Hi Cathy,

What do they do to help your daughter at school. We are in Australia where we don't have gifted schools and we are in the Private system. Our school will not acknowedge that DS has a problem because his scores are in the "normal" range and therefore is reluctant to do anything. They are focusing on his behaviour.

I have been doing a lot of my own research and spoken to others who say that putting him in the higher classes for a trial would be a good idea but of course they would need to alter their assessment for him (which currently they are not doing). What do they do for your daughter? My son is really frustrated because he thinks the teachers think he is dumb because he can't show them what he actually knows.

Also any tips on helping with the disorganisation?

I look forward to hearing from you...
Posted By: Cathy A Re: Advice on WISC scores - 09/10/09 01:11 AM
Well, to be honest the grass is not much greener over here. They aren't doing anything systematic for her at school. I have found some things to help her with writing at home, which has helped her frustration with that.

We are working on keyboarding a lot, and when she does need to write longhand, I have special two-lined paper for her which helps her with letter size and placement.

I haven't really tackled the organization issue at all, except to work with her at home on keeping her room organized, etc. It's an uphill battle to say the least...

If you can afford it, I would recommend private psychological testing for learning disablities. It really helped me understand DD's specific needs better. Even if he doesn't have a disability, you will get a better idea of his strengths and weaknesses, and the psychologist should be able to help you figure out how to address those using a teaching style that suits your child's learning style.
Posted By: bec iam not sure how to help my son - 12/10/09 01:54 AM
hi. iam in australia son is 7 years old.and is in grade 1 but has been put in the grade 4 class and is even doing some grade 7 maths.his IQ score last year was 120(he lost points for not giving the answer they were looking for e.g when asked which two items go together the correct answer was the umbrella and sunglasses as they are both sun related WELL my son said the box of matches and the wooden coat hanger as there both made out of wood.He always thinks outside the square.another question was what is a shoe and he told them what it was made out of(rubber,plastic etc.)He always makes things harder for himself.he can't see the easy option which frustrates his school the year has gone on he has been arugeing with the teachers a lot so he is in trouble most days.i don't know what to do for him.he needs the higher work but seems to not like it at the same time.he is going to a pediatrican in feb as the school thinks he has asperges.he wants to play with the older kids but they dont want to play with him and they tease him(sometimes he thinks there talking about him even though they may not be).my son likes things to be perfect and when ther not he gets upset.he thinks so diffrent to other kids it makes it really hard for him.he also rushes everything.his hand writing is a pigsty.his spelling is fantastic.he always has a book stuck to his face.he would play the computer all day if we let him.he would rather that then any other activity.he is very active though and cant sit still .he doesnt stop talking or he corrects me all the time too which is a real pain.He has been to an OT who said he has some fine motor skill delays but everything else was above average.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Advice on WISC scores - 12/10/09 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Aussie Mum
We are in Australia where we don't have gifted schools and we are in the Private system. Our school will not acknowedge that DS has a problem because his scores are in the "normal" range and therefore is reluctant to do anything. They are focusing on his behaviour.

My son's working memory is pretty good, but his processing speed is below your son's and his other scores are in the same ballpark, and yes - this is a tough road for these kids.

In the US, the Private Schools tend to be more 'product orriented' than the public schools, so it's worked best to be in 'top level' classes, one year ahead, in the public schools where the expectations aren't: 25 page papers written over a 3 month period, several in different subjects at the same time. I found the work that they were doing just as 'advanced' and 'interesting' at the public school, they just weren't expecting the same level of demonstrating the knowledge: Perfect for my son right now!

When we switched over to the public school, at our first meeting with the teachers, I asked, worried: 'How is he with bringing a pencil to class? Last year (at the private school) they were very very concerned and we had many meeting about this issue?'

I was so happy when they laughed and said: 'None of our students bring their pencils everyday - that's normal 13 year old behavior.'

So - if you can find a correctable 'underlying' problem that is bringing the WM and Processing speed scores down, but all means find it. But if he is just a kid with average WM and PS and wicked smart verbally, then he is going to have a very difficult time in school unless they bump him up and give him the support (note takers, electronic keyboard, electronic pen/recorder, extra time on tests, extra help with organizing his homework time, perhaps less busywork?)or he goes to a program for 'creative' kids or 'late bloomers.' Is homeschooling an option? My guess is that if he finds ANY passion, and runs with it, he will find adult happiness.

Love and More Love,
Posted By: Grinity Re: Advice on WISC scores - 12/10/09 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Aussie Mum
Woops - DS is actually 15
Aussie Mum - how are his keyboarding skills?
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