Gifted Issues Discussion homepage
Posted By: kickball Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 07:46 PM
It is official, I'm a snot on message boards. I was fighting all directions to do chores this weekend and flitted around some other gt message boards. HOLY CRAP! No wonder we have problems talking to our schools when you've got parents talking silly nonsense about hothousing all kids into being gt, not needing special programs, and equating a 6 year old recognizing some basic sight words with hg/pg.

I promise I'll never "cheat" on ya'all again!!!
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 07:51 PM
This is definitely a pretty special forum from what I've seen. Lots of sane, supportive and well-read people who know about GTness (and kids in general!).

If only the rest of the world were so good! frown
Posted By: BWBShari Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 08:05 PM
I couldn't agree more. I cruised many sites before I found this one. Home of coherent people! LOL
Posted By: Tiz Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 08:34 PM
Yes, I agree! This is a really special site. I also looked at numerous other sites and was often quite disturbed by people's attitudes and nastiness. Needless to say this is the only place that I go to!
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 09:54 PM
I guess I lucked into this one! I had never participated in a board in my life, and I typed in a question in google re: 3 year old reading, and found this wonderful community. Never found the need to look for another. smile
Posted By: KAR120C Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 11:33 PM
Hoo boy there are some doozies out there! LOL It's funny how each messageboard gets a kind of "personality" of its own... Even the non-GT ones can be pretty awful. Homeschooling messageboards in particular seem to have a great potential for being really snippy sorts of places with well-established "in crowds" and an official point of view.

Throw GT in with homeschooling (GT boards that would be nice except they're anti-homeschooling or homeschooling boards that would be nice if only they weren't so uptight about GT...) and it can be hard to find an online home!

I'm glad to have you guys here!! smile
Posted By: Jool Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 11:40 PM
Yes- this board has good "chemistry". I have to confess that when I'm *really* procrastinating I like to gawk (not participate) at sites where folks get snippy. It's kind of like watching Smackdown whistle.
Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/16/09 11:40 PM
My story is very similar to St. Pauli in that this was the first message board I discovered and as I looked at other boards I realized fast that this one is the most advanced but I do use another board and like it for the reason that they are more in the beginning of understanding. I have made a few dear friends on that board and really appreciate having them in my life. So I will admit that I 'cheat'. Go ahead ... I am ready for my stoning.
Posted By: Dazed&Confuzed Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 12:17 AM
Yes this is a very special board! I think my son is high MG lol but I still feel welcomed here!
Posted By: Grinity Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 12:38 AM
I love reading threads like this! I feel so 'bad' for being 'outward-perfectionisic' towards the other boards - and yet - I love it here!

so weird to think that there really are 'other people' who like the pretty little pretend world I've been imagining my whole life! For so long there just weren't!

I wish that this had been around when my DS was 5 or 3. But would I have know to look for it? Probably not. When my son was 6, my BF from college visited with her kids, and she tried to tell me that DS's school problems stemmed from his 'very gifted-ness' but I didn't believe her, because I had asked the teacher if he needed more academic stimulation to behave better and you should have seen how firmly she shook her head:'Oh No!' That was back in the days when I totally expected teacher to be the experts on my kid!
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by KAR1200
Throw GT in with homeschooling (GT boards that would be nice except they're anti-homeschooling or homeschooling boards that would be nice if only they weren't so uptight about GT...) and it can be hard to find an online home!

I'm glad to have you guys here!! smile

I so agree! Plus, as an emergency homeschooler who thinks public and private schools have a lot to offer, I REALLY like that we don't really allow any one school perspective to take over the forum. This is one of the only places I've seen where honest, helpful discussions about ALL the educational options available take place, where people who homeschool advise others to advocate and people with kids in public schools suggest homeschooling as a smart choice. It's WONDERFUL!

And Jool, LOL about "GT Forum Smackdown!" laugh
Posted By: JBDad Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 01:12 AM
I think it's because of the search words/terms used to find this board. They are usually of the tone "is my child gifted"? "how do I know if my child is gifted?" Etc. (Which is how I found this board)

But now I'm curious: Which channel (website) has the Smackdown? wink

Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 01:58 AM
LOL ... thanks JBDad. I was wondering the same thing but thought it to brass of me to ask. So definitely curious.
Posted By: KAR120C Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Kriston
I REALLY like that we don't really allow any one school perspective to take over the forum. This is one of the only places I've seen where honest, helpful discussions about ALL the educational options available take place, where people who homeschool advise others to advocate and people with kids in public schools suggest homeschooling as a smart choice. It's WONDERFUL!
Absolutely!! One of the perennial conversations on homeschool boards seems to have to be "the evils of every other choice"... *sigh* If I could find a school here that DS fit well in he'd be there! But our local PS is unreliable at best and potentially traumatic at worst, and the private schools haven't been much more promising. So we homeschool, and I enjoy it, but not because every other choice is evil - they just haven't panned out.
Posted By: Val Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Kriston
This is definitely a pretty special forum from what I've seen. Lots of sane, supportive and well-read people who know about GTness (and kids in general!).

If only the rest of the world were so good! frown

The overall quality of the writing and the predominance of obviously well-thought-out posts are what I like best about this board. Thank you, people!

Posted By: incogneato Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 02:48 AM
Jool........"Smackdown"........hee hee hee.

There are other gifted forums????????
Posted By: snowgirl Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 04:20 AM
I can't say enough about how helpful this board has been even though my kids are only in the MG range. I recently have been reading another gt board that I was going to disparage without identifying it; it's sufficient to say that except for a very few, the folks there aren't anywhere near as helpful as you all. Anyway, I want you all to know how much I appreciate reading your posts!! I only wish that someday I can return the favor. Thanks!!!
Posted By: Val Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by eema
I started with another site and was shocked by the attitudes. The site was all about bragging rights and proving that your child was more gifted than others. Then I stumbled across this site and have been delighted ever since.

I've seen this kind of thing as well, and it can be so negative. FWIW, I think of someone as bragging negatively when a statement seems to be more about one-upsmanship than camaraderie. I figure it comes from insecurity. When another parent brags about a child's abilities, I prefer to keep quiet. I hate one-upsmanship battles!

One of the good things about this board is the lack of that kind of bragging. When we brag, we go to the thread specifically designed for it --- and it's a friendly thread that's there for us to cheer all our children's accomplishments, not for making others feel lousy.

I dunno about others here, but when I'm out and about and someone remarks on my child's abilities, my instinctive reaction is to feel sheepish and say "But you should hear about those OTHER kids out there and what THEY can do!!"

Posted By: OHGrandma Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 12:53 PM
I think this board is special because we are kind to each other and we stay focused on the children.
There have been quite a few topics that started to get controversial; but as long as everyone agrees to back away from those topics --as we have been -- and stay focused on raising and educating gifted kids, then this board will remain very special.
Posted By: Mamabear Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 01:30 PM
I fortunately started here and have stayed. I have not felt any reason to look further. I read posts here even if they do not pertain to my family and I have learned a great deal. I also have employed much of the advice (or brainstorming) that I have received here.

I enjoy the fact that there is thought and concern for the children and no "holier than thou" responses that leave you feeling worse for asking.

I believe my family is doing better for my having found this board. You are a special group of people!
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by snowgirl
I can't say enough about how helpful this board has been even though my kids are only in the MG range.

I feel compelled to note that while many of the kids discussed here are HG+, parents of kids at any LOG are VERY welcome! smile

I always say that if you can get something from the conversations and/or contribute something to them, then you belong here! We don't check IQ scores at the door or anything. wink

Besides, a lot of us began this journey thinking our kids were MG (or even ND), only to find out that our perspective was skewed. I know I did! It could benefit some people who think they have an MG kid to hang out here and get a little reality check...
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 02:20 PM
Ahhh! No, Dottie! Don't leave us!
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 02:27 PM
Okay, you're allowed to cut back. If you must.

But on the weekends, we'll expect you to be here to answer all our testing questions! wink What would we do without you?
Posted By: BWBShari Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 03:02 PM
I belong to a homeschool co-op and when I made the decision to send DS to school, the reaction was amazing. You'd have thought I grew another head or something! But none of them has ever tried to keep up with my DS!

The best thing about this thread is that there are no "dumb questions". I know, because I ask lots and they always get answered.

Dottie, you are not getting out of "test guru" that easy!! Evenings and weekends work fine for us! LOL
Posted By: hkc75 Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 03:04 PM
I love it here because of all the tips, advice, and recommendations. I picked up "The Mislabeled Child" that was mentioned here, and I just cannot put it down. Instead of feeling so frustrated with DS6 for not writing, I can turn it around and make it fun becuz I understand him. Everything here has made me a better mom! Thanks so much you guys!!!!

Dottie- Congrats on the new job! Too bad they can't pay you to answer all our posts....
Posted By: Lori H. Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 04:11 PM
This is the only board where I feel comfortable talking about my twice-exceptional son's difficulties and accomplishments. It is hard for a lot of people to understand how a child can be twice exceptional, how he could be so smart in so many ways but have difficulty tying his shoes or writing because of a hidden disability. My son enjoys reading some of the posts and I have noticed that he is usually interested in what Austin has to say. I am happy to see there are gifted men posting on this board.

It is wonderful to find people who understand OEs, both mine and my son's.
Posted By: snowgirl Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 04:54 PM
Ditto to what Lori said about the 2E stuff. It means a lot to me to be able to talk about ds's strengths after years of hearing from professionals about his developmental delays, among those who understand that just because he had no words at 3 y.o. doesn't mean he isn't bright.
Posted By: Barbara Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 05:52 PM
An additional love note for this board. I haven't frequented other "gifted" boards, and so feel very lucky to have come upon this one first.

I find lots and lots of eye opening topics for me and our family, and the tenor of this board is so welcoming and open.

thank you all!
Posted By: LMom Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/17/09 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dottie
I've seriously taught you all everything I know!

On a lighter note, I think I found the "Smackdown", LOL! (Or at least a spin-off...)

Tell me, tell me. I must admit that I tried to find it yesterday but no luck. I know, I know shame on me. PM the address, I am curious.

Maybe I could just check the "testing and assessment" thread.....
Why, oh why does that remind me of something. As if I had heard it somewhere before wink

Good luck with your new job.

I really like this board. I even made real friends here. I hope I get to see some of you again this year.
Posted By: Jool Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Val
One of the good things about this board is the lack of that kind of bragging. When we brag, we go to the thread specifically designed for it --- and it's a friendly thread that's there for us to cheer all our children's accomplishments, not for making others feel lousy.

I agree Val. It's natural to want to freely talk about how wonderful your children are - i.e., brag! What I like is that people on this board brag about their kids, who happen to be gifted, in all areas they are proud of, not just what they are capable of academically. That makes it so easy to relate to and enjoy when hearing stories on the brag threads here. OTOH, "GT Forum Smackdown" is about bragging about your kids *because* of their giftedness. Subtle difference, but it really shines through.
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 12:32 AM
Well, and there's a huge difference between wanting a place to say nice things about your kids--which is loving and joyous--and wanting to compete with people--which is hateful and nasty.

A college boyfriend of mine used to quote Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little." I thought that was the dumbest, most limited view of the world that I'd ever heard. It's not like there's only so much success to go around! I want the good guys, the people I *like*, to do well! (Needless to say, said beau did NOT become DH!)

These are OUR kids, and I want to know that they're succeeding! I want to hear all the cool, great, amazing things they're learning to do. If it takes a village to raise a child, then this is an important part of my village...

I feel that way about hearing about the growth of my friends' ND kids, too, BTW. I think child development is amazing and cool, regardless of IQ. Kids are cool! We should celebrate that!

IMHO... wink
Posted By: Barbara Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kriston
I feel that way about hearing about the growth of my friends' ND kids, too, BTW. I think child development is amazing and cool, regardless of IQ. Kids are cool! We should celebrate that!

IMHO... wink

Posted By: Jool Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kriston
A college boyfriend of mine used to quote Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little." I thought that was the dumbest, most limited view of the world that I'd ever heard. It's not like there's only so much success to go around! I want the good guys, the people I *like*, to do well! (Needless to say, said beau did NOT become DH!)

Yikes. *That's* a red flag. Kriston, I'm glad you ended up with a DH more in-line with your values. smile

There's a song by Morrissey called, "We Hate it when our Friends Become Successful". Let's all sing "We Love it when our Friends Kids Become Successful" smile.
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 01:47 AM
Oh, yes! It was a HUGE red flag! So right, Jool!

I often wondered if he said stuff like that just to yank my chain. He did like to argue. But that was certainly one of his more appalling statements!

He was also the guy who flip-flopped between wanting to become a priest and wanting to marry me, practically in the same breath, so I learned not to trust much of anything he said...Yup, definitely dodged a bullet there!
Posted By: Austin Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by Kriston
He was also the guy who flip-flopped between wanting to become a priest and wanting to marry me, practically in the same breath, so I learned not to trust much of anything he said...Yup, definitely dodged a bullet there!

That sounds like a novel in itself.
Posted By: kickball Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jool
Originally Posted by Kriston
A college boyfriend of mine used to quote Gore Vidal...

Yikes. *That's* a red flag. Kriston, I'm glad you ended up with a DH more in-line with your values. ...

Maybe this makes me an "ist" or I've left my eastcoast roots and midwesternizer but I think merely quoting Vidal in college is fishy. :-)
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 01:56 PM
LOL! Yes, yes, yes. You're all right! The boyfriend was bad news. I am embarrassed that it took me as long as it did to figure it out. In my defense, I was young and foolish and in love! wink

My point, however, was really that MANY people seem to take Vidal's words as wisdom and want their kids to stomp the "competition," especially on GT forums. They can't root for anyone else's kids because that would mean their own kids would be losing. I find that icky.

My foolish past notwithstanding! grin
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 02:24 PM
I think we've all hung out with people that we later saw more 'in full' and realized they were not for us. At least when you realize it, you can correct the situation! smile

This is a great forum, I haven't shopped around much because I found this place first. The other thing I really like is if you have a don't have to wait days! it's like minutes before you get a response. When you are stressing about something, that can be a real relief!!

Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kriston
LOL! Yes, yes, yes. You're all right! The boyfriend was bad news. I am embarrassed that it took me as long as it did to figure it out. In my defense, I was young and foolish and in love! wink

My point, however, was really that MANY people seem to take Vidal's words as wisdom and want their kids to stomp the "competition," especially on GT forums. They can't root for anyone else's kids because that would mean their own kids would be losing. I find that icky.

My foolish past notwithstanding! grin

Okay guys... enough with tainting Kriston about the old boyfriend, but only after I ask this last question. LOL So is this the same boyfriend you discussed a while back that you pined for b/c he broke your heart? (sorry if I am remembering that wrong. I didn't go back to read the older posts.) But you talked about an old boyfriend and if I remember correctly ... pined.
Posted By: Kriston Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 02:58 PM
*sigh* ( wink )

Yes, there was probably some pining...I was pretty whupped. He was my first boyfriend who was an intellectual (in the best sense of the word). He liked to think about all kinds of stuff. That was pretty attractive to me at the time.

So there's another reason to be sure your kids are challenged in school--so they don't wind up dating jerks just because they talk about literature and philosophy!

(How was that for bringing it back to GT kids again? I AM trying!) grin
Posted By: BWBShari Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kriston
I feel that way about hearing about the growth of my friends' ND kids, too, BTW. I think child development is amazing and cool, regardless of IQ. Kids are cool! We should celebrate that!

IMHO... wink

I couldn't agree with this more. The kids in my house are all different, different backgrounds, nationalities and IQ's. We celebrate every small success! For most of my kids the most important lesson they learn is to believe in themselves and put forth their best. The only requirement in my house is effort, lots of effort!
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 04:26 PM
Yes, great point Kriston and BWBShari - kids are so much fun and so good; I think a lot of us end up here/asking questions when kids can't be their true delightful selves because of bad educational fits (and I mean that both ways wink

Posted By: skyward Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 04:41 PM
Yes: I am also very thankful I found this site. I came across this site looking for ways to support my daughter. It turns out I have been learning a lot about my own uniqueness as well. The information on OEs and all the advice and resources have been priceless and have had a big impact on my family. We do not yet know if our DD is GT, but we are much better off at meeting her needs than we were before. I think the greatest gift a child can have is a parent who understands them and I hope that I can be that for my daughter. This site is an invaluable resource. I want to thank all of you for your contributions. It really makes a big difference. blush
Posted By: inky Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/18/09 06:12 PM
I feel that way about hearing about the growth of my friends' ND kids, too, BTW. I think child development is amazing and cool, regardless of IQ. Kids are cool! We should celebrate that!

Nicely put Kriston! I've been helping DD6's class with reading and it's exciting to see the individual student progression no matter their starting point or rate of learning.

I think the minimal amount of snark makes this board so refreshing. Here is a description of a new book called Snark.

What is snark? You recognize it when you see it -- a tone of teasing, snide, undermining abuse, nasty and knowing, that is spreading like pinkeye through the media and threatening to take over how Americans converse with each other and what they can count on as true. Snark attempts to steal someone's mojo, erase her cool, annihilate her effectiveness. In this sharp and witty polemic, New Yorker critic and bestselling author David Denby takes on the snarkers, naming the nine principles of snark -- the standard techniques its practitioners use to poison their arrows. Snarkers like to think they are deploying wit, but mostly they are exposing the seethe and snarl of an unhappy country, releasing bad feeling but little laughter.

Denby has fun snarking the snarkers, expelling the bums and promoting the true wits, but he is also making a serious point: the Internet has put snark on steroids. In politics, snark means the lowest, most insinuating and insulting side can win. For the young, a savage piece of gossip could ruin a reputation and possibly a future career. And for all of us, snark just sucks the humor out of life. Denby defends the right of any of us to be cruel, but shows us how the real pros pull it off. Snark, he says, is for the amateurs.

Posted By: st pauli girl Re: Forum Message Board Snob! - 02/19/09 06:37 PM
Boy, after all the warm fuzzies about this board, I thought for a moment that I got cut off! But it seems the board just changed to a new address, and i just had to reload my picture. Shwew! (Does anyone has any other info about the changes that we need to know about?)
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