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Well, things are finally looking up. After how long on the advocating front we may be making a breakthrough...We had our big meeting this morning. The school has made a complete turn around and qualified my daughter for speech and language services! Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel.

The second bit of big news, I'm almost hesitant to mention since it hasn't been completely worked out yet...but the school is offering a partial day because they admit that they aren't able to meet my daughters needs in a productive way in some subjects. She is just to far ahead. The principal is very on board and they now move to the assistant superintendant who, when I talked to her last year felt we could work something out, fingers crossed. They also have to look at the teacher schedules and see if they can provide English Language arts in the morning, maybe with history and a special or something of that nature. We would like for her to have ELA since that is the once subject she is "normal" in and also that could help with troubles associated with her aspergers. She will receive speech and language therapy in some form yet to be decided, twice a week. She will be in the building roughly three hours until just before lunch. She would continue to do math and science at home with any other subjects not covered in the morning session.

Could anyone who has children in split classrooms or any type of situation not the "typical" school day please chime in with any advice, or anyone with something that I have missed. Her IEP has been temporarily suspended while the school tries to figure out how this will work. I am so hoping this will work. If it wasn't for her aspergers I wouldn't even try it but I do want her to recieve any services that they can offer her.
The second bit of big news, I'm almost hesitant to mention since it hasn't been completely worked out yet...but the school is offering a partial day because they admit that they aren't able to meet my daughters needs in a productive way in some subjects.
I don't have any experience with partial day but it sounds awesome. Wish I had a DOK smiley! grin
Great News Melmich! I'm very glad to hear that the school is offering services and perhaps willing to do partial day - Yippee!
YES DOK for a partial day! WOW!!! A friend of mine does that and it has worked out very well.
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