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Posted By: Grinity Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/18/08 11:40 PM

DH and I just came back from DS12's first 8th Grade Conferece at his new school, and it's the most positive since 1st grade (not counting angel teacher in 3rd grade)
They get that his mind works fast and deep.
They get that he always wants to talk in class.
They get that they have to be firm with him.

And he is on Track for all Honors Level Classes next year in 9th!

Is he going to be Mature enough to do all the work needed in LA and History, paper writing, etc? Who knows!

Big Smiles,
Posted By: questions Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/18/08 11:58 PM
That is great news. All that worry, but it looks like the move was the right decision. Glad to hear it!
Posted By: S-T Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 12:51 AM
Congrats!!! smile
Posted By: Kriston Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 01:39 AM
Yahoo! Hooray! I'm so glad. laugh
Posted By: Grinity Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 02:12 AM
Thanks. ((contented sigh))
That's so great to hear. Thanks for sharing your DS's success story.

Sprinkle a little of that magic acceleration dust over here, would ya?

Posted By: LMom Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 03:03 AM
Great! Enjoy every second of it. You've both earned it.
Posted By: ebeth Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 01:53 PM
Wow! Grinity! That is wonderful! Congratulations to your DS! I hope he is proud of his accomplishments, and gives himself a well-deserved pat on the back! <or an extra large pizza... or whatever 12 year old boys are into these days?>

Can I ask if you and your DH reward your DS for academic accomplishments? We have been pondering that question with our own DS8 and would love advice?
Wahoo! Congrats to your DS, and to you Grinity for all your years of hard work trying to find the right placement. Bravo for the school, too!
Posted By: lanfan Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 04:09 PM
Posted By: Grinity Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/19/08 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by ebeth
Can I ask if you and your DH reward your DS for academic accomplishments? We have been pondering that question with our own DS8 and would love advice?

Last night at dinner I served his favorite meal. DH and I both tried to verbally tell him how proud and happy we are for him, but we do try to treat it as if it's something he is doing for himself, and do tell the truth, untill those high B+'s grow up and become baby As, it's really really hard for me to celebrate them. ((Shrug)) I do get frustrated that he has so much smarts and such limited stamina, but I've come a long way.

DS12 always wants to get paid for his grades, and I wouldn't be so against it, but am not in favor of it enough that I'm willing to 'talk' to DH about it. DS12's overexcitabilities are such that he always intensly wants everything he can imagine that we might possibly do for him, so I try to encourage the good wants and find that balance of saying 'no' that doesn't come as naturally to the only-child families.

But to DS, talk is cheap, and he knows that he can't brag to his peer about it. If he got paid for his grades, not only could he buy the cool thing - he could make the other boys green at the same time. Ruff says that Gifties have a bragging deficit from spending so much time in poor fit classrooms. I post here. DS12 tries to fill it other ways. It amazes me how competetive boys can be.

He knows we love him. He did the math to figure out how much private school was costing him daily, and that did impress him. Sometimes I think we went overboard on the 'unconditional love' thing (Humor Alert) - but I would like to see more As!

So Ebeth,
I'll state that I'm not for or against material rewards, it really depends on the family. We sure did use them in 1st and 2nd grade when he had behavior charts. But a 9$ Bionicle just doesn't thrill him nowadays.


Posted By: elh0706 Re: Happy Parent Teacher Conference Result - 11/20/08 06:48 PM
Wonderful news, that gives me hope!
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