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Posted By: somewhereonearth field trip update! - 06/18/14 07:00 PM
Looks like Mark closed down my field trip post. Though I did enjoy reading all the comments and discussion that followed.

The big update is that the field trip happened. DS 7 lost out on a once in a lifetime sighting of an endangered whale that had wandered from his home. Then the president came and shook everyone's hand and each child got 5 minutes a piece to sit in his lap and get a photo with him. Finally, as the president was traveling with Bill Gates, each child then was promised a full 4 year scholarship to the college of his/her choice.

Nah. Field trip went as planned. My boy missed it. The earth did not wobble. The seas did not surge. Though I was led to believe that those things might have happened if my DS did not go on the field trip.

Actually, the bus was 1 hour 15 mins late arriving home. So, he missed being stuck in traffic without a book. Now THAT would have been a problem.
Posted By: KTPie Re: field trip update! - 06/18/14 07:12 PM
Ha!!! Thank you for the update!
Posted By: aeh Re: field trip update! - 06/18/14 10:37 PM
And so ends most of the drama in our lives...glad it worked out in the end!
Posted By: HowlerKarma Re: field trip update! - 06/18/14 10:52 PM

Aw-- what a shame! Sounds like you may have missed out on one of the most amazing stories for a holiday newsletter...

It would have called for something far stronger than Kool aid if my DD had been forced to spend hours on a bus with no book, though, so you probably came out ahead in the end. wink
Posted By: Madoosa Re: field trip update! - 06/19/14 09:34 PM
I laughed out loud reading your update!! laugh

Bet you and he had an awesome day at home together NOT being stuck anywhere without a book!
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