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Posted By: somewhereonearth help me draft this email - 09/04/13 04:59 PM
I seem to need a lot hand holding lately. So I am strongly considering a single grade skip for my son. I will put it on the back burner for one week.

Meanwhile, the social worker at DS school (our sole advocate right now) has asked for honest feedback on DS first week at school. She would like this info tomorrow. He's asked to skip grades (and went on and on about how the school is ignoring him...he also discussed what he does while tuning our during class "I calculate how much I want to sell my toys for"...he's broken some toys into parts to make more $ How do I write this without sounding negative and critical?.
Posted By: polarbear Re: help me draft this email - 09/04/13 05:06 PM
Just write down what has happened as a matter-of-fact statement. My suggestion is to format it like this:

"Dear, Ms. Social Worker,

You asked for feedback on ds' first week at school. This is what I've observed _______. This is what ds has told me _____. DS feels _____. Thank you for asking about ds. We appreciate your care and concern,



After you've written it, walk away for a few hours or a day, then re-read it and make sure the tone sounds ok to you, and add more details if you have them. Then send it. I wouldn't delay too long since you've been asked for feedback by the social worker.

Good luck!

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