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thinking about this school and possibly moving to the area. anyone have any experience or anecdotes about this school?
I do not have experience or knowledge about that school. However, we had the experience of a WONDERFUL gifted school for one year, followed by an incredibly damaging year at the very same school. We are still dealing with the effects from it.

With that experience (which is not incredibly unusual as so much depends on the TEACHER whom you rarely get to pick and may change even if you do) I would make the decision to move for a school with extreme caution and only after several years of positive results. Things can change oh so quickly in private schools as staff changes and most will keep every penny of your tuition regardless of how egregious staff behavior may be. You could find yourself moved in to nightmare with worse choices than you started with.
I can't help you with the particular school, but I will second HappilyMom's comment that ultimately it will boil down to the teacher every year.

Where we live the private schools are much more heavily weighted towards bright to gifted children and it's common to find at least one HG/HG+ child per grade (which is way off the statistical probability for a school with maybe 50-60 kids per grade). So it was easier for my DD to find peers. The private schools are also far better resourced. There were lots of pros to private school for us. But it's a bitter pill to swallow massive fees if you aren't 100% happy. We were happier with how they handled our 2e/MG child than our HG+ child. You need to be sure it's your best option before spending the money, and ultimately at EVERY school there will be lovers and haters. Be aware though that particularly when parents are paying $$$ for a school they will be convinced that they love it right up until they HATE it. It's generally hard to get well balanced and realistic reviews and what works for one child won't necessarily have anything to do with what works for yours....

Friends of ours at the private school we left got their child skipped only months after we were refused (with a much higher number on our IQ report)... Possibly it was so easy for them because the school learned something from the debacale of a process we went through. Possibly sheer dumb luck. That family is VERY happy still.
Yeah see there is way more parental involvement and parental say at the private v. Public for us. Parents are so much more disengaged and have so little say at our public school. It's what we can afford and their intentions are good but I'm 100% certain that although it wouldn't be perfect our kids would enter off in private at the moment... Which is why you really have to look a your own child and the schools available to you to choose from. We really can't tell you about what will work - only to proceed with caution :-).
I am a parent at the Hudson School. I have child going into 10th grade who started there in 5th grade, and a child going into 6th who also started in 5th. The school starts in 5th grade. We have been overjoyed with both the education and the community that Hudson School provides. Of course it is always better to visit when the school is in session, but even a short conversation with the school's passionate and dedicated director will give you a sense of the school. The most important anecdote I have for you is that both of my children are HAPPY to go to school every day.
[quote=sgeracht]I am a parent at the Hudson School. I have child going into 10th grade who started there in 5th grade, and a child going into 6th who also started in 5th. The school starts in 5th grade. We have been overjoyed with both the education and the community that Hudson School provides. Of course it is always better to visit when the school is in session, but even a short conversation with the school's passionate and dedicated director will give you a sense of the school. The most important anecdote I have for you is that both of my children are HAPPY to go to school every day. [/quote

Is the school open to acceleration? How do they handle a PG kid and the pace at which a PG kid learns? How are they about individualized learning?]
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