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Can anyone believe that I'm happy with out the meeting with our principal went?? I am. It wasn't everything I wanted it to be, but I am hopeful. I think the principal was quite shocked with the results we presented.

She seemed to have a good understanding about gifted kids are different, have different needs, and need differentiation. She did say Cogat is a requirement, but will be automatically assessed because of ds scores for acceptance in gt program. She said she will place him with gifted certified teacher in a cluster of kids "that are high candidates for gt program". Once in gt program officially, gt teacher will do pull- out for math and LA. Also, use of typing as opposed tto handwriting is fully allowed (the school gives tablets to kids who this benefits to use) for content, expression. She talked about gt teacher also does work with kids about social/ emotional. She mentioned homework would be projects, not busy work.

So, she said all the right things. We had asked about acceleration, but she said let's put these pieces in place. if its still not working, let's talk again. She also said over and over that raising Ds will be very taxing on us with lots of ups and downs. Great. Thanks.

One other thing I liked was she recognized the importance of all the parts- educational and emotional/ social.

She did push my buttons a few times. Asking if I volunteered so much to be monitoring what was going on? Of course I was curious what happens; but I wanted to be there. I enjoyed helping and sharing fun times in the class. Every child in the class knows me and I like that. The principal also mentioned she would need to talk to next year's teacher so they are ready for me. She also said she has seen the anxiety on me.

Only teared up once. Happy about that. Overall, good vibe. Glad we had those numbers or this meeting would have gone a different direction. Yay!

Oh- she also said no contact with next year's teacher for 4 weeks. Okay, I will abide by the rules.

Glad to hear this. I hope all goes well and the teacher next year works out.
Thank you blue magic. Hope this works/ helps. We'll see.
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