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Posted By: Michelle6 IEP question? - 05/21/12 12:47 PM
It's getting close tot he end of the year, and for two years straight it has taken me almost the entire year just to get my son some challenging homework. (They finally caved to that request about three weeks ago). I'm glad they did, but it's not enough and I don't want it to take so long next year. So I'm thinking I need to be a bit more proactive, and start working on next year NOW. (They have a habit of going home for the summer and forgetting all the progress that has been made, so I have to start from scratch). Since he will be in third grade next year, he will be in the real AIG program instead of the "nurturing" program that only meets about once a month. I've been told I should demand an IEP. Having researched the laws in NC, it looks like that is a required thing anyway. So where do I start? With whom should I ask to meet? And is there anything in particular that I should make sure is in the IEP? I've never even SEEN one, so I am a bit overwhelmed as far as how to go about this.
Posted By: epoh Re: IEP question? - 05/21/12 02:36 PM
You need to submit a formal request, in writing to initiate the IEP process. They have a set amount of time to respond (30days? 60? I forget). I would send it to both his teacher and the principal at the school.
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