He also often stands up to work or even eat his meal. Sometimes chewing gum or other chewies helps with humming although some kids will hum while chewing

doodlebug, thank you for this! Now to get DH on board with having DC standing at the table when they eat. He comes from a very traditional family (they are not even allowed to talk at dinner). Whereas, I come from a very non-traditional family - at least at dinner time (we ate together, but we watched TV or talked or what have you). I noticed that I started the "DS, sit in your seat" or "DS, sit straight". And I really need to relax and let him sit the way he wants to, as long as he's eating and AT the table. DD5 on the otherhand, must sit in her chair, or she will fall out! She falls out often (it's not vertigo/balance). LOL.

And both DC chew gum... I'm now going to be on a mission to see if he's different when he's chewing vs. when he's not. *I* am an oral person... I used to smoke. Now I chew on pen caps and straws and gum... so you're making more and more sense to me!!! Thank you!