Hi, yes, we are in fact waiting on more testing for ds, so I was thinking it would make sense to just hold off on any more requests to the school until that is done and we see how he does.

Had a good chat with ds this morning. At the dentist this morning, he was asked how he liked school, etc., and was saying how much harder 5th seemed than 4th. I didn't ask him about it then, but later while eating lunch, I asked, and he seemed to be thinking in terms of the organizational stuff, the amount of things to remember to do, etc. I told him I thought he was learning bit by bit but it would come gradually. I asked if he had thought about skipping in light of that. I don't think it had occurred to him, and really I hadn't put it this way either, but now he thinks it might make ok sense to have some repetitious academic material considering he has a ways to go organizationally....
I do still think there might be a skip in his future (7th?), but it seems like we need to deal with this year, now, and go from there!
Thanks again to all for the excellent and interesting points of view. As to the boxing or martial arts, ds has done that for a few years, but sort of petered out on the whole thing (well, got interested in other stuff). Frankly I think he does exude a decent level of confidence whether from that, or other experiences, but I don't typically think of him as the easy target.

Last edited by chris1234; 01/06/11 10:13 AM.