Update **

Just had DD's meeting and it went well - teacher gushed so that was nice...

DD is below average in math so that was a bit of a shock but I think that might just be part of the settling and learning process. Her 2 teachers decided to offer but not recommend a skip to me prior to the meeting. Their logic was that although academically and maturity wise she would cope very well, she was very happy where she was and could be accommodated as is. They also felt that because she likes to be in control of her environment that she could do with a little more time just getting used to school routines and social mores etc.

So - I have agreed, with the proviso that we will discuss again as the need arises. They have a plan for differentiation with her LA and are supporting me to build up her math literacy to match the "numeracy project" at home so that she will be on track there. I have asked DD what she would like, she is happy where she is, she loves the "fun" elements of the day (singing, art etc) and at this time is feeling like she is learning.

So result!

I know this is temporary, the teachers only concern was that even though she is friendly with kids in her class she only plays with the bigger kids, at some point she will ask to be with her friends.

I hear what you are saying Puffin, I'm waiting for things to go to pot, but for some reason, this principal really seems to get it, the school genuinely appears to be more concerned with a child's happiness rather than just the grades.