My suggestion is that if the teacher won't listen, get other people involved who will such as the principal, asst principal and school psychologist.

Last year with my DS in first, I started with the teacher and after forming a good relationship with her tried to educate her about my son. He is 2e, so as many children who are 2e he can be a challenge to teach. I took in articles, had numerous meetings and volunteered in the classroom. Unfortunately, she just never got it. She kept trying to put him in a box she already understood and wasn't willing to open her mind up to other possibilities.

What was the most effective for us was getting the principal, asst principal, school psychologist and school social worker involved. We had a big meeting with all of them plus the neurospych who did my DS eval and his private OT. Through this meeting and much much more advocating, the school administration really got to understand and know him. The teacher was at the meeting, too, but it still didn't sway her opinions. In the end it didn't change much for last year I think because we waited too long and the teacher wasn't going to be flexible, but this year is starting out much better. He was placed with a much better teacher, and she has been open to any ideas we have about him. I know this is because of all the work we did last year with the school administration.