Letting a student stand at their desk to work (some teachers have no issue with this - others can't STAND when a student is up) .
My DS has been blessed with teachers who don't mind this
And now that you mention this, I think this is also in his IEP.
He's historically been placed at the side of the classroom so that he is free to move around as he wishes. Interestingly, his current teacher has placed him right in the middle of the class, with the hopes that being surrounded by on-task kids can motivate him. There's plenty of room around the desks - they're the kind with the moveable chairs (which he couldn't have when he was younger because he'd tip them) - so he can be in the middle and still have fidget room.
Why do you think ADHD is being mentioned when you don't see it? I would fight against putting a diagnosis on an IEP that you don't agree with.
Or, Petunia, if you think the ADHD provisions could help him, you could have them state directly in the document that you're not sure about the diagnosis.
In my DS's IEP both his diagnoses are listed as "provisional" which basically means "confirmation pending." It allows him to get support while still being clear that the diagnoses could be wrong.
Evemomma - I was really leery about this too. I heard somewhere that a diagnosis can't be removed from a file unless another assessment is done by a qualified professional. When I asked about this I was told that a child's file is the property of the parents, and not the school. I don't know... as of yet I haven't tried removing anything from his file, because so far everything is helping him.