Originally Posted by Kriston
But in the end, M-B is about giving us self-knowledge so that we can use our gifts to their fullest and minimize our weaknesses.

Oh, I so like this. I know that I have always wondered why I am the way I am in certain situations and after doing the M-B and reading about the traits (and some of them are dead ON) it has helped me step back and understand myself better. It has definitely pointed out certain things that I consider weaknesses in myself and hopefully will help me minimize them.

I also have sent this to friends and have had my family do the M-B so I can understand them better. I always think it is useful to know where people are coming from.

Originally Posted by Grinity
What I like about the article is that it guide the impulse of ODP (outer directed perfectionism) towards something useful, instead of just 'throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

I think this is so true. Thanks for sharing Grinity!