
I have to figure out how to search this forum and read about the nutritional interventions. I'm a big believer in "we are what we eat".

My DS is the same way...if I let him dictate to me, he will come up with the most amazing stories that go on for pages...but if he has to write it down, he will write the least amount possible....I totally relate to the "oxygen is good" example you used. I will definitely look into the workbooks you suggested, but I'm afraid it will be like pulling teeth to get him to do any schoolwork this summer. He LOVES to read, but otherwise does not like to do any kind of schoolwork or studying.

What do they do in a central auditory processing eval? I haven't heard of that one.

As for the mixed dominance....I wish we would stumble upon somewhere that it is an advantage. DS plays baseball and soccer, but unfortunately he is always one of the worst players on the team. Poor guy, just looks so awkward and uncoordinated out there on the field...but he is having fun and he hasn't reached the point where other kids make fun of him for being bad at sports, so we keep encouraging him to play as long as he enjoys it. I'm sure it is going to be good for him in the long run.