With only six words, that line could be taken in so many ways. Did anyone ask her more specifically what she meant by that line?

There are so many differing opinions on everything involving human behavior, IQ tests and anything involving the brain in general, I think it is good to question who we should believe. I could really see someone who realizes this saying it drives them insane.

I could also see someone saying Einstein's space/time stuff drives them insane, which does not necessarily mean they don't believe in it. It just might mean thinking about it can really give a person a headache.

What bothers me about this thread is the idea of making a judgement of a person and an internet site based on six words. I doubt I have made it through an entire day without saying words, which heard by the wrong person could be taken the wrong way.

Sorry for being on the other side of things, but I am really bothered by stereotypes where a person's entire character is judged based on a single characteristic, a single action, a single life style choice or anything which may represent such a small part of what makes a person who they are.