Originally Posted by laurel
It's fun to hear all the different ways people have introduced chess at home!

I wanted to start playing chess with my 5 yo son, so I started playing chess with my husband in front of our son.

We played speed chess (since speed chess doesn't allow you much time between moves, this is less boring for a beginner to watch).

I would not stress this form of chess to children, because they generally move much too fast to begin with. You can go a long way in chess if you simply

(1) capture pieces your opponent leaves hanging
(2) not hang your own pieces

To do these things, kids need to SLOW DOWN and SCAN THE ENTIRE BOARD before EVERY MOVE. Sorry for shouting with all caps, but
watching my children play at the local club has accelerated my hair loss. But we have fun, too.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell