Just met with my DS9's teachers. They are doing a nice job trying to challenge him in LA. He has a very hard time with writing and spelling, despite his very high test scores in English.

We think this is likely due to a couple reasons. Some is effort and caring. Some is that the 3rd grade materials are not too challenging so once again effort takes a back seat - he isn't particularly engaged. But some of it is also that he is a whole word reader and really does not know how to sound out certain words.

We are working on the making effort part and holding him accountable for his work (without over doing it), and we want to try to get him engaged by giving him spelling vocabulary words that are substantially harder than what he gets now, but fewer of them. We all agree we would rather he really get the phonetic connections, rather than just memorize a list. Because he loves Roman history, we thought we would look for something working off of Latin roots.

Anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on how to approach this or resources?

Thanks, Cat

Last edited by Catalana; 04/13/11 09:23 AM.