Last fall I called a local university and asked about gifted testing. They told me that they have a waiting list and when clinical time comes they contact people. Supervised students do the actual testing. So after about five month being on this wait list, I got a call today. I have the opportunity to test both children. They also said that they can do more than just IQ test, so I agreed. All together it will take about 8 weeks, the first visit will be six hours with a lunch break, then there will be couple more visits, about 2 hours each and they also asked if they can come and observe children in school to see their social interactions. Honestly I was so overwhelmed and happy, that I did not ask many questions. They will call me back to schedule the first visit. I know that having a student may not be the best case scenario, but I know that their program is highly regarded and at this point my only option. What questions should I ask in further conversations, what should I pay attention to? Anything that I should be considering, or questioning? Classroom observations, has anyone have experience with those?