DS13 did the personality testing in French class and my translation was off. He is a thinker, who takes his time to come up with an opinion and considers many angles. He is good at considering various things and putting them together in a coherent way. However, he is slower than the others in coming up with his opinion, also consistent with ADD (not ADHD). Unfortunately, some people confuse processing speed with intelligence.

DS can hyperfocus (as can I), but can also be distracted by noise and movement if he is less interested in a subject (like math). He has never been very impulsive, and usually thinks first before doing.

Some things help with school include prelearning for low interest subjects, having the notes ahead of time, sitting away from sources of noise and movement (away from windows and doors), and sitting with the better ear towards the teacher. It He gets extended time for tests and can hand in assignments a few days late if needed.

His organization skills are improving now that he is 13, although I still worry about high school next year.