Hi all,
This seems to be a great site to go to for details. I've been really impressed by what I've read so far!

Here's my story:

My daughter is 6 and in 1st grade. She's the youngest in her class (probably grade) because she missed the public school birthday deadline by 10 days, but we sent her to a private school for K at age 5 anyway by the recommendation of her preschool teacher (the preschool was a public school too). Then we moved her back to the public school for first grade.

Her reading and vocabulary have always been way above average, and I was told by her pediatrician at her 3 year check-up to look into gifted programs. Every where I went people commented at how grown up she sounded, from the way she said the words to the words that she used to the elaborate sentences she came up with to the quick witted answers she gave. She is currently reading 3 to 4 level books in her Accelerated Reading group, and chooses her own spelling words for tests. While the majority of the class has "clock" on their spelling test, she has "because" and "receive" as well as 3 syllable words.

I don't think she's genius level by any means, but I figured getting into a gifted program would be simple enough.

She passed the first level - the Terra Nova Basic with a 99 overal - 99 in language, 98 in reading (maybe it was vice versa) and an 87 in math.

She took the WASI this morning, and I was called and given her test results this afternoon.

The teacher said there are three sections to the WASI and gave me her score for each:

Verbal - 66th percentile - 106
Performance - 88th percentile - 118
Full Scale - 81st percentile - 113

She needed a 125 to get accepted into the program so obviously she didn't, and when I mentioned to the teacher that my daughter would be quite upset when she got the news, I got an interesting response. The teacher said, "well, I don't know how she knows what (the program) is." If felt like it had attitude behind it, and made me feel like she was insinuating that I was "that pushy mom".

My main question is... if my daughter's strength has always been her verbal abilities, why was that her lowest score? Is that normal?

My other question is... I did a very little amount of research, but what I did see talked about 4 sections to the WASI, not 3. My daughter mentioned that the hardest part of the test was when she had to make the blocks look like the picture.. I saw that there is a block design section of the WASI during my research, so is that the performance section?

Wow, sorry for the novel.. Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any advice, comments you can give!