Originally Posted by Philosopher
I would comment that the statement made by the professor from IAS is a typical polite answer that we give when students come to us with their "theories". I.e. we would always try to be supportive and encouraging, especially when the student involved has ASD. Saying that you are impressed with how much physics a 12 year old knows does not imply that you actually think his "theory" is impressive.

That's the thing. And the article also makes some over-reaching statements, making it sound like Jake has actually extended the theory of relativity, when the comments from the IAS researcher make it clear that he hasn't. It's a news article written for popular appeal, and a little bending of the truth may be expected with a story like this. But I'm with Katelyn'sM om about being glad he will be allowed to see what he can really do.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick