My younger son is 6 and finishing K. At the beginning of the year I told the teacher he already taught himself how to read. She nodded and was there for a few weeks, realized he was reading on at least a second grade level and then went out on maternity leave for 12 weeks (her baby came way earlier than expected). In January, she tested him again and he is now in a reading group of one because he tested 4th grade reading. He was screened for gifted but he missed the cut off in the screening by a few points. I am going with the assumption that he is gifted and will have him re-screened next year mainly because he fits the many list of descriptors for gifted children (and we have several PG family members).

I have 3 options for next year for him.

Option 1-- Continue in his present elementary school and accelerate his reading to at least 3rd grade (either within his class or going to a 3rd grade classroom) and possibly differentiating his math within the first grade class.

Option 2--Dual Language Immersion (Spanish/English) with 60% of the classwork taught in English and 40% taught in Spanish. They claimed they differentiate for students but I need to talk more about that with them. A lot of his learning drive and need for enrichment would be spent learning a second language. He was thrilled with the idea when we went to the information night.

Option 3--Homeschool

I am putting his name in the lottery for Option 2 and am leaning to that option.

Older son

Currently in 5th grade, moving to middle school. Waiting on testing for gifted from school. Has some social difficulties due to Aspergers dx but holding his own in 5th grade. Worried about 6th grade though. Both my husband and I have taught in middle schools and just don't see middle school being a positive experience for him.

Options...zoned middle school, homeschool and taking some classes via virtual school.

Zoned middle school isn't that understanding about AS dx. Also very worried about bullying.

Homeschooling and virtual schooling would allow him flexibility to go at his own pace, follow his own interests, and NO homework after the school day is over...he swims so trying to fit in all the stupid homework is so hard with his daily practice. He has a friend on the swim team that is also AS and is now doing virtual school.

Not sure about my older son at all.