Hi all,

Met with the psych who performed IQ/Ach testing for DS7. All areas of IQ/Achievement came back in the above-average to very superior ranges, with the exception of processing speed, which was at 50%. All-in-all, looks like he's in the "optimally-gifted" range with an FSIQ of 127/GAI 129, although it's noted his issues may have caused this to be an underestimation.

DS is having trouble on several fronts at school.

1) He says the language arts work is too easy, so he gets distracted and never finishes his language arts classwork. School is going to try letting him test out.

2) He has tremendous difficulty getting started on and completing written work (including artwork which he's quite talented in), with the exception of memorized work like Spelling and Spanish. It's the original thought stuff he seems to have trouble with. He has no difficulty starting or completing his math work, but again, that's not "orginal" type thought at this stage.

4) He can be more impulsive in action and words (blurting out answers or crawling under the desks) than his agemates

5) When called on in class to answer a question, he frequently says he can't remember or takes a very long time to come up with an answer.

He also has some fairly significant issues with perfectionism, anxiety and self-esteem.

The pscyhologist noted the delay in his oral responses, and the increased time to produce written work, and said it might have to do with his weakness in processing speed relative to his IQ. She seemed to believe the discrepancy was significant although the actual PSI was average. She also noted that gifted people frequently have multiple thoughts simultaneously, which may contribute to the delays in responses. She said that his above average to very superior divided attention is inconsistent with working memory deficits wich usually accompany ADHD. Also, we see less of the ADD-like issues at home than they do at school. She also said that it's difficult to tease out differences at this age between anxiety, ADHD, anxiety, asynchronous development and lack of engagement.

Anyway, long story short (too late for that!!), I'm wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences and what ultimately helped their DC.