My son just suggested "Novel Experience Retention Disorder" (N.E.R.D.) and "Generally Excessive Educational Knowledge Syndrome" or "Generally Excitable Excessive Knowledge Syndrome" (G.E.E.K.S.)

So far we've also got:
"Multi-Dimensional Obsessive Learning Disorder" (M.O.L.D),

"Focused Obsessive Learning Disorder" (F.O.L.D),

"Hyper Organized Logical Yearning for Cognitively Ordered World-view" (H.O.L.Y. C.O.W),

and "Overactive Highly Generalized Obsessive Logical Labeling Yearning Generating Excessive Excitability" (O.H. G.O.L.L.Y. G.E.E.)

I'm sure more will be forthcoming...

Last edited by aculady; 03/22/11 11:10 AM. Reason: formatting