Morning all (or evening depending where you're staying),
My son is 10 years old in 4th grade and recently started attending his school's gifted pullout program. It's one day a week for most of the day. It doesn't start until 9 am since they bus the kids from other schools. Anyhow, that's unimportand. My son dreads Thursdays and whines and complains about how he doesn't want to go to gifted class. When asked why, he replies that it's boring?! How is this possible? It's supposed to be fun for gifted kids right? When I try to get a more in depth answer, he says he misses his friend from regular class (autistic friend) and would rather be bored in regular class with his friend than bored in gifted class with kids he doesn't know. I told him I'd talk to the gifted teacher and he said he'd rather I didn't and that he'd just go frown Would it be rude of me to talk to the teacher about why my son is saying he's bored? I don't want to offend her but I want my son to enjoy school and actually learn.