DS5 who I have posted on before has the following DX. SPD, Language processing disorder, functional vision disorder and possibly CAPD.

In spite of all of that he crushed his WPPSI at 4.1 although the test wasn't given for IQ purposes (another story)

So anyway, for the last several months he has been attending OT for SPD, hippa for SPD, vision and receptive speech. In spite of all of this, Kindergarten is a disaster. We don't seem to be making any progress in behavior although academically he's doing fine. He has some issue with reading because of his vision but as that gets worked out he's doing better.

Two weeks ago, I attending a training required to maintain my foster parent license. "The nuerochemistry or fear" presented by Dr. Karyn Purvis. She might as well have been talking about my son. If this is the case, my son's brain is chemically altered and all the sensory work in the world isn't going to put him back together again. I feel like i'm beating my head against a post. How does one go about having brain chemistry tested? Her therapies for treatment were very specific and seemed to have amazing results. But how to know?

I'm ranting and I know it! But i'm frustrated and I'm at a loss as to help this little guy.......So please forgive my bitching, sometimes you just have too!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!