D15 was adamant as a toddler that adults repeat back what she had said to be sure they understood. You could not get away with the standard "Mm-hmm", or "Isn't that interesting?" sort of response. She demanded to be understood. And you could talk to her in full sentences and with faily complex vocabulary. She hated baby talk.

When she got older, the "because I said so" model of parenting was absolutely not going to work with her. Fortunately it is not really my style anyway, but everyone once in a while it is tempting. She often required a full explanation behind WHY she was asked to do something. Usually it worked, and she was satisfied and carried out whatever was asked. It kept me on my toes; I don't ask for something unless I'm sure I can justify it smile

Finally, I think having a very close releationship with her has been a boon to her as she as struggled with the loneliness that comes with being PG. Her agemates just aren't interested in the same topics, and her teachers don't have as much time as one would wish to engage with her. Online forums for gifted kids and programs like THINK have helped, but I think my close relationship with her has really helped make her a happier child. I am close to my older D as well, but I always felt like if I got hit by a bus, older D would still have close relationships with other people and would do okay in life. My younger (and more gifted) child is much more dependent on me in many ways. And we have had a great time, whether it was discussing Harry Potter or LOTR, collecting insects, or learning trivia. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.