So we began an ADHD meds trail with DS8 a few weeks ago. I don't really see a huge attitude change at home, other than the ability to complete homework with a bit less supervision, but at school his behavior seems much improved (only greens! No reds or yellows!). His teacher stopped me in the pick up line and mentioned that DS was her Student of the Day that day. I kept looking over my shoulder to be certain that she wasn't speaking to another parent. But no, it was MY son she was talking about smile

In addition to ADHD and giftedness, DS is dysgraphic and appears to be dyslexic (letter reversals, very low reading achievement relative to IQ). Since the meds, both reading and writing have much improved. He went from level 2 readers to Bridge to Teribithia in about a week. Is this the meds, or was he just ready to make the leap? I have felt for awhile that he was going to make a big gain in his reading. This is a kid who tends to fall behind his peers in academic areas, then slingshot forward at a really dizzying pace. He made a two year leap in math in a three month period earlier this year with no medication. So it could be either. Anyone have a similar experience to share?