I selfishly totally support your testing :-) -- because it helps me with my own heuristics determining where our DD3 might fall. I have found it very helpful to read others' milestones and associated test scores. We are in the same boat - our DD3 is looking like HG+ (but who knows) -- if he is, it would affect choices we make in the next year (schools, early K, moving!).

I go through these cycles (maybe he is maybe he isn't). If he goes through a few weeks or months without doing something out-of-the-ordinary, I am convinced he is not HG+. But when he does, I am convinced he is (e.g., he recently learned/obsessively state/capitals/and ALL countries in a matter of days...on his own...reading & referencing...and now he can't walk through the parking lot without pointing out what country EACH puddle looks like :-). So this week - he looks HG+ to me....but that will change I am sure.

I TOTALLY sympathize with your wanting to know...I am there too :-). Good luck!!