Well the charter school was a lot more open to it than we thought they would be. He said that, academically, he thought there was no issue and that even 9th grade in the local high school wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Socially, was another concern because she's already usually younger than her classmates, quite a bit smaller than them, and can come off as immature. It's hard to say whether the immaturity is due to her classmates not "getting" her, due to her being closer to the spectrum, or just something that she will need to grow out of ... could be a combination of all three.

There is a charter school high school nearby, though, that is a performing arts school. My daughter is very into drama, choir, and music in general, so it could be a good fit. They require a self-portrait (of any kind) for entrance. He said if we could convince them to push back the date they required registration for next year, then he would be happy to fill out the form and move her to 9th grade starting in the 11-12 school year. If not, we need to look at other options, but it still doesn't exclude skipping her.

He thought the performing arts school would be a great fit for her both academically and creatively. Looking at their website, they do have much more advanced curriculum than the public school nearby.

Off to meet with the charter school next!

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