Originally Posted by Lori H.
said his verbal IQ was in the gifted range but his "performance" score was spiky so she diagnosed him with dyspraxia.... I am still trying to figure out what kind of problems his spiky "performance" IQ is supposed to cause. How could he possibly have a motor planning disorder and remember last minute changes well enough to help his group win first prize?

It not my understanding that typically dyspraxia would be diagnosed based on IQ testing. When our son was evaluated for dyspraxia it involved among other things a physical exam by a neurologist lasting more than an hour. As I recall your reason for seeking out this evaluation was in part because you believed your son had dyspraxia, isn't that correct? It may be that part of why he got that diagnosis is that based on parental reports he was having this sort of difficulty and needed therapy so it seemed like the most convenient diagnosis. I would keep in mind these sorts of very soft diagnoses are not made with a blood test or anything so certainly they can always be wrong. I would just take the diagnosis for what it might give him in therapies and try not to feel confined or limited by it.