Yes, we do Project Feederwatch. smile DD's little notebook for that is so adorable. We do know the local wildlife rehab person, also, but she's kind of...odd. I really doubt she would be open to someone as young as DD.

We have checked out so many bird books at the library and have tons of guides around, including the birdsong one where you press a button to hear a call. She has also seen some of the Life of Birds series referred to above. Gosh, maybe I'm doing a better job than I thought. She is just hungry for more. More websites would be awesome.

By the way DS really enjoys the Cornell website you mentioned to us back a month or so ago.

Cool! It is a really nice site.

For instance, the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory has classes for homeschooled students:

OMG, she would absolutely be over the moon for something like this. Too bad we are hundreds of miles away! (well, she is also not homeschooled) I need to find stuff like that, yeah.

Last edited by ultramarina; 02/24/11 09:02 PM.