I'm still on the writing concern kick, but with a new twist. My DYS DS10 who is a very science interested and knowledgable kid totally bombed his science fair project. He had some perfectionism issues getting in the way of his learning. I'm thinking about a mentor situation for the summer where he can learn the basics for experiment/science fair writing.

I would really like him to redo his science fair project the correct way. Maybe that's not good because he usually does not like to redo something, but this would be less work than starting fresh. It might also feel like he has to face those bad feelings about the project again.

Maybe he should just pick something new and really fun. I'm thinking of just telling him he will be behind next year if he does not do this, so he doesn't have a choice. Every grade does the science fair. I thought he would enjoy a mentor who played ball with him to make it a treat.

Any suggestions on making this a good experience? Do you think a High School boy would be fine?