Here goes...

My daughter (nearly 7) is normally a great reader. She's been reading for years and enjoys a variety of texts, mainly non-fiction. Recently, she's started skipping words when she reads out aloud. In the past I've assumed that she starts getting anxious if she sees a big word coming up that she doesn't recognise and this leads her to stumble over the small, simple words that are in her way. Or I've thought that skipping words is a signal that she's reading in her head much more quickly than her mouth is moving. But tonight she was explaining to me that sometimes she doesn't actually see some words on the page. But when she re-looks or is asked to re-look at the sentence, she sees the missing words. She also says that sometimes she sees the letters at the start of the word but sometimes doesn't see how the word ends so she just guesses the word that most makes sense in the context of the story.

I've had her eyes tested previously with no problems. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Anyone like to have a guess with what I'm dealing with? Am I being paranoid?
