I'm new to forums. My 10 yr old daughter took 2 acheivement tests; scored fairly high and was given IQ. The school psych stated that she really believed she would get into the gifted program based on info she had so far.

Well, she called Friday and said she received zero points on IQ portion of gifted test (had received 3 from the achievement portion of the test). She said working memory was extremely low. I have left 3 messages (with no return call) to find out which IQ test was given. I meet with school psych Friday (but thought I'd post here to get input).

My concerns: the school psych called the morning of the test to say she would not give the test; she was recovering from flu and taking meds. I told her fine, but to please call the school and let them know so that my daughter would not worry all day about the test. My daughter was already nervous, and is a quiet child who has trouble at times putting her thoughts into words. A story from her can sometimes take forever! Anyway, the school psych said she might just give half the IQ test and the rest the next day, if she felt better. She sounded a little put off when I asked her to notify the school if she didn't give the test (for my daughter's sake). Well, she ended up giving the entire test to my daughter that day. I wonder how "Into" the test the psych was? Could this affect the score?

I know that high achievement certainly does not equate to gifted, but the school psych said her recall was very low (I believe she said 30) which really brought her score down. Could her IQ be botched due to the "sick" school psych's testing? or to my daughter's nerves? It seems hard to believe that she could receive zero points from the IQ and do so well on achievement (97%) and top 2 to 5% on achievement tests for our state. We do not study much, yet she does extremely well on all work; so I just do not see how you can score so low on IQ that you do not receive one point. For me, it goes against all logic that you can have very low working memory with high achievement.

OR could this indicate some type of LD? I know that I'll learn more on Friday (and hopefully she'll return my call) but I would like to be prepared with questions as well as understand a little more before I meet with her. We are wondering if we should request a redo-I doubt they'll approve it (or find funds to hire someone). Help please?