Been there Wren. Is 1st grade same thing happened with us. My son would add/sub in his head but was penalized for not showing work. So dumb. If the kid can get the answer in their head then showing work is a waste.
And yes this was a "gifted" class.
We took him out and put him in Catholic school.
Academics not great but he can do the math any way he wants as long as he gets the answer they don't care how he does it. So that is a plus.

Unlike you making your child do her HW 1st b4 CTY we do the oppisite. I have him do CTY 1st.
My feeling is CTY is more important because he is learning.
If the HW is remedial work then it can wait lol
And yeah it is sad we have to force them to do this waste of time remedial HW just so they don't get in trouble. That is very hard to swallow.

Last edited by traceyqns; 02/11/11 06:23 AM.