is this afternoon. I have a list of questions and concerns for Frannie's teacher. I also had a talk with Frannie last night (these are children led conferences) asking her what she thought of school. She is in first grade.

The list we came up with..
1. MAP scores. Is she properly placed. (I don't think so)
2. The kids in her reading group (all second graders) go to reading intervention and she does not. She feels left out. I tried to explain they go for extra help that she doesn't need. But she still feels singled out by it.
3. CogNat test results.. are they back yet? Can we request the Wisc testing this year and not wait till next (here they dont do it until 2nd grade)
4. On that note.. grade skipping. Can we place her into the second grade math. Give her the packets from the first half of year to catch anything she may have missed. We talked at the beginning of the year about skipping first grade math.. and I could kick myself for making the choice to leave her where she was.
5. Frannie wants to know about field trips (they haven't gone on any) LOL

Her fall MAP score math 190 and reading 188. Her Lexile score is 428.

Anything else I should talk about??


Last edited by frannieandejsmom; 02/09/11 01:04 PM.