We are meeting with the school again on Thursday. Now that they have dd's map test results and she was observed by the curriculum director and the school psychologist.

Even though they were supposed to be doing enrichment with her already this time they are writing a goal plan for her that will be carried over to next year. I spoke with the principal earlier in the week and she said she would be behind us with a grade skip(from k this year to 2nd next year) and that she thought dd was a good candidate, but after speaking to the curriculum director it sounds like they would fight us on that if we went that route.

I already know they are against subject acceleration( I mentioned it at the last meeting. It is too dificult to take her in and out of classes and if she is taught the higher grade where would she go the next year) They also feel she is too young for any further testing that they do besides the map.

When we spoke yesterday the director said that she was too young for the IAS. They do have the IAS, but use it to evaluate kids for gifted not grade acceleration. I don't want to fight with them, but of course I want what is best for dd. I am not 100% sure I want a grade skip, but they were already supposed to be doing enrichment and that has yet to be seen. So I feel like in a sense it is the best way to gurantee she will have work that is somewhat challenging.

I feel overwhelmed still and just want what is best for her. She comes home from school frustrated and actually cried the other day b/c she didn't want to do her homework. When I asked her what she is upset about she said that they were supposed to be giving her harder stuff and it is too easy. I just hate seeing her being upset.

I have printed out a few articles on grade acceleration to bring with, but any articles on acceleration/enrichment or other materials you can recommend to bring in would be great. I am going to bring in some of her work. Including some work from the Saturday enrichment program she is doing. I was looking into that DI link that was posted b/c they said if I had any ideas for enrichment to bring it in. I thought that might be nice, but any more info on that would be great too.

Thanks for all the help. All the suggestions from everyone so far have been great and just reading others stories and their success makes me hopeful we will get a good plan in place eventually.

Last edited by landofthelost; 02/04/11 12:43 PM. Reason: typo