My DS5 (6 in April) is a very sensitive kid, an only child, is homeschooled, but has regular interactions with other kids. He has a really difficult time letting go of something that bothers him. Hardly anything rolls off his back. He will get angry and frustrated and may hit (lightly) or push if someone has "wronged" him [if they do it often]. The kids he interacts with usually don't mind the pushing because they know that they have irritated him. Most of the hs kids he plays with are pretty strong-willed kids as well; so there are a lot of strong personalities interacting - but they deal better. He has gotten a little better; and I can see that with maturity and experience in different situations things will probably get better. His personality is very follow-the-rules-oriented - a justice seeking kid. He believes very strongly that people should do the right thing (ha - so do I:), and tells them when they shouldn't be doing something. Can anyone recommend a book or give me advice on what to say or do to help him deal better? Thanks.

Mom to DS6